
当サイトでは、2D・3D CADデータを公開しています。

This site publishes 2D / 3D CAD data.
Anyone can use it freely, but when using this site, please be sure to read the following items and agree to these conditions before using.

1.著作権について -About copyright-


The copyright of all contents on this site belongs to this site unless otherwise specified, but there are no particular restrictions on duplication, diversion, or modification.
However, it is not possible to perform secondary distribution or sales of the downloaded data itself.
For details, please refer to the “Q & A” page.

2.免責事項 -Disclaimer-


We do not guarantee the accuracy, usefulness, or certainty of the content posted on this site, and we do not take any responsibility for any damage caused by them.
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3.リンクについて -About the links-

営利、非営利、イントラネットを問わず、本サイトへのリンクは自由です。 ただし、公序良俗に反するサイトなどからのリンクはお断りします。また事前事後にかかわらず、その他の理由によりリンクをお断りする場合もあります。

You are free to link to this site, whether for profit, non-profit, or intranet. However, we will refuse links from sites that are offensive to public order and morals. In addition, we may decline the link for other reasons, regardless of whether it is before or after.

4.広告の配信について -About ad delivery-

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5.アクセス解析ツールについて -About access analysis tool-


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